This solar add-on generates the spin to create wind. We are merging the sun with the wind on this vertical wind turbine, and orchestrating them to spin as one ultimate power source, and also combing hybrid solar spin on many other platforms. Our charging station is a stand-alone, remote, best in class, electric power generator. Solar photovoltaic cells are not frozen any longer and can be used on multiple mobile power agendas with solar motion. Energy prices are out of control and we have the $ green energy hybrid solutions. It is now totally reasonable to expect to eliminate your power-electric bill with our “ubiquitous-wind” & solar hybrid VAWT system. This solar dome, that is connected with our vertical axis wind turbine, generates cubed power in combination, of just the VAWT wings beneath it. The solar motion photovoltaic cells pump power in combination with the wind. The dome shape gets the greatest angle of incidence of sun-power from morning to late afternoon. The beaming rays cause the wind turbine to spin faster and faster. Looks a little like “R2D2″ in its robotic form! Please remember, that when wind speed doubles, power output is cubed.
With this unit here, the solar dome effectively “artificially” more than doubles wind speed with its power-spin. Batteries under the tophat “hood” complete the storage of energy for night time output. This is the perfect mobile power generator. When disaster strikes, these units can be flown or brought in for instant power, without oil, gas or diesel.
All VAWT manufacturers can add a solar dome and double the power (or more) of their units. Our issued patents cover both horizontal and vertical wind turbines for a hybrid mix of solar and wind. (see Patent #8,338,977- USPTO- others granted or pending worldwide)
We are keen to sign licensing and franchising agreements worldwide.
Please contact us for details.
In Hawaii we have over 400 words for wind. Same for sun. When your life, and mode of travel depend on these phenom, you will find greater ways of understanding the intricacies, and developing agendas to suit. We have done this with a hybrid wind and sun-spin.
When you spin, YOU WIN! Every home should have one of our hybrid wind turbines.
Come join us. We are open for your business.
Please see our other solar dome videos as Devonshire Wellsford.
Rotating solar photovoltaics at high RPM’s cools the cells and makes them more efficient at peak sunlight loads. We incorporate spinning solar cells at high velocity on wheels, wind turbines, and other hybrid power applications.

Post time: Sep-13-2017
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