Source solar panel: Generates drinking water instead of electricity.

Source solar panel: Generates drinking water instead of electricity.

The shortage of potable water is today one of the most important problems on our planet, which affects mainly to remote areas and
developing countries, which in turn causes bad conditions of hygiene and health, as well as a Significant impact on the quality of life of people. Source is a solar panel created by startup Zero Mass Water that aims to extract moisture from the air to condense it to provide drinking water. Cody Friesen, an engineering professor at Arizona State University, is the head of Zero Mass Water and responsible for the development of Souce, which is born from a very simple principle in nature, that we all own the air that We breathe, however, almost nobody is of the water that drinks.

Friesen mentions that anyone with air conditioning is able to draw water from the air, so there is no magic. To understand the operation of Source just imagine a salt shaker with grains of rice, which are able to absorb moisture to keep the salt dry, and this consists of this solar panel. Source has a material that acts as if it were those grains of rice, only here the moisture is extracted from the air. All the extracted water is purified by filters, in addition to adding calcium and magnesium to match the taste and pH of the bottled water. This panel is capable of generating up to 5 liters of water each day, enough for a family of four according to the company.

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Post time: Jul-13-2017
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