Mar 21, 2015 6:37 PM
Got the Renogy 100 watt Solar Panel with the “cheap” 30 amp PWM charger unit,
along with the X-Shade 1300 watt modified Inverter. I also talk about some things
that for someone that is just starting out to not go out and get solar panels etc.
IMHO they should get bateries first. We used rhe X-Shade inverter from March – Sept. until I messed it up by accident from laying it on the truck from were it is made out of metal some how it created a dead short and gave me the blue smoke. But it did mess my battery charger up for my cordless tools Read more below
PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation = SUCKS, how so you may be asking 200 watts panel
with a PWM charger will only be putting out lets say oh idk about the same as a 50 watt solar panel.
MPPT stands for Maximum Power Point Tracking = Prety Good, takes the 200 watt panel and will
give you give you closer to your 200 watts
FYI one good way to know if you have a real MPPT controler on some units is to take the cover
off and see if you see one or more big doughnut looking things (AKA inductors) of copper wire
wrapped around an iron core, not just one or two little loops of copper wire. If so then chances
are it is a real MPPT Charge Controller
Post time: Jul-13-2017