murickens 5 KW solar power house in Kangazha Kottayam

Murickens Group has developed a fully automatic sine wave solar stand alone power generating system for the smooth working of our domestic and commercial, electric and electronic equipments of lower and higher capacity and we can even operate sophisticated equipments which need a continuous and constant output. It is the most suitable solar power generating unit for the climatic conditions of Kerala as we can connect Solar power as well as AC power according to our discretion and this system provides 24 hours continues power supply throughout the year. This independent whole power devise consist of a solar ups, built in or external charge controller and storage high power tubular batteries. It is an economical and pollution free independent solar power plant having no need of grid or external power and this can be installed anywhere there is sunlight without any licence or permission of the local body or the Governnment and the Ministry of natural renewable energy (MNRE) provide subsidies for this project.
9447366779 or 94004 64444,

Post time: Jan-07-2017
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