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Craig Andrew: Hi, I’m Craig from A Grade Solar Solutions Australia. I’m going to explain to you steps along the journey to having a solar system installed on your house. First of all, we’ll come out to your property, we will look at your electricity bill, your usage, the time of day people at home. The usage is a mostly daytime usage, mostly night time usage. We’ll check your roof, measure the size and shape of your roof, see what we’re going to fit, see orientation of the sun, any shading issues, any special requirements needed.
Then, all that information is put into a software package which will spit out a 12-month estimate of what your system will produce each day, then the price is worked out. If you agree on the price then there’s any relevant authorities, any applications that need to be done, they will be done then when those approvals come back, we come and install your system, fill out any relevant paperwork at the end of the job and then there you have it, you have up and running solar.
The estimated savings on a solar system being installed is around 30% to 70% and payback period is anywhere between three to five years.
Topics: solar energy, solar panel, solar panel install, solar panel installation australia, solar panels, off-grid, on-grid, solar solutions, wind power, solar power systems, renewable energy, green energy
Post time: Jan-09-2017