Dirt Cheap Batteries For Off Grid Solar Power Systems For Homes
DIY solar battery banks never have enough storage! Would dirt cheap batteries help? Keep reading to find out how you could expand your battery storage and still save thousands of dollars on your solar energy system.
Do It Yourselfers (DIY) interested in building a homemade solar energy system, from scratch or using a kit, are looking to store as much power as possible. If the sun doen’t shine or the grid goes down for three or four days, they may need a large depenable battery bank.
However, the “Achilles heel” of residential solar, wind, or other power generating devices is the battery bank. Until now, storage battery banks were extremely expensive to build and maintain. Batteries don’t last forever and when they die they need to be replaced.
Fortunately, DIYers now have access to a battery reconditioning program that shows people how to get batteries for free (or dirt cheap), then how to recondition those batteries with a safe simple new method (so they’re back to “like-new” condition).
This exciting new “DIY” battery reconditioning program works on nearly every kind of battery even batteries previously though to be impossible to recondition. Car batteries, computer and phone batteries, rechargable batteries, long life batteries, deep cycle marine batteries, golf cart batteries, forklift batteries, alternative energy batteries and many other kinds of common batteries.
Imagine how much money could be saved by getting free or dirt cheap batteries (that many industries are simply throwing away), and then reconditioning those batteries to like new condition. If you can see how this program could save you a ton of money building and maintaining a solar panel storage battery bank then click the link below to learn more.
lw.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee-lACuF-bQ
chw.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee-lACuF-bQ
Post time: Sep-02-2017