When your chickens are ready to be moved outdoors all you need to do is be creative! Y
You dont need a big backyard AND you dont need to spend money on erecting a palace of a coop. When the birds are getting their feathers and can tolerate being outdoors the best practice is to simply find a sunny location, fence it in, and make sure they have some type if shelter for the night.
Buy some straw, and make sure they are well protected from predators!
THATS it! Dont sweat the coop!! You will have plenty of time to build something more permanent as they are in this growing stage! Watch Starry and see how she erected a very simple coop right next to the home!! Today she transfers the chicks outdoors..and they get to sleep overnight under the stormy skies!
Starry also talks about her headlamp that both she and Mr H use on the homestead.
Always thinking of going GREEN their advice is to find a headlamp that is first rechargeable, bright and light. Buy a solar charger with a USB port and invest in some enlop battery’s!
They both use Foxelli head;lamps which fits the bill!
Find these headlamps and everything else for SMART GREEN off grid headlamps at Starry Store!!
www.offgridevolution Starry Store
mother earth blog for Starry!!! Check it out!
Post time: Jul-16-2017