Adjusting solar panel angle

To get the best out of your photovoltaic panels, you need to angle them towards the sun. The optimum angle varies throughout the year, depending on the seasons and your location and this cube shows the difference in sun height on a month-by-month basis. Solar panels should always face true south if you are in the northern hemisphere.
Smarter people than I do it this way
Take your latitude, multiply it by 0.9, and subtract 23.5 degrees.

For example: if your latitude is 40 degrees, your panels should be tilted at: (40 * 0.9) – 23.5 = 12.5 degrees.

You don’t necessarily have to adjust the tilt of your panels every season. If you find that the energy generated by your solar panels is sufficient for your winter energy needs — assuming that your highest energy usage is in the winter — you can just leave the panels in the same position.

Note that the fixed-mount solar panels will be at their least efficient during the summer, spring and fall, when the sun moves across a large area of the sky. Panel systems that “track” the position of the sun are more efficient — but also more costly.
To costly for this homestead I hope this video helps.

If your wondering the cube I am using is a puzzle box I made several years ago.

Post time: Jan-04-2017
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